An article in The Wall Street Journal a few days ago caught my attention. It reported: “Gold prices dropped on signs that demand for the precious metal is sagging.
Global gold demand fell 11% during the third quarter compared with a year ago.
An article in The Wall Street Journal a few days ago caught my attention. It reported: “Gold prices dropped on signs that demand for the precious metal is sagging.
Global gold demand fell 11% during the third quarter compared with a year ago.
The Grexit, or Greece’s exit from the euro, is becoming more likely, judging by how frequently it is mentioned these days. Unfortunately, preparing for it may be more difficult than many believe. Before addressing that point, I would like to first illustrate the extent of the problem.
Six months ago I wrote that the gold mining stocks were on the runway and ready for take-off. I expected the gold mining stocks from that point to start outperforming gold bullion itself. Since then, however, little has happened.
November 23, 2011 – There are a number of common misconceptions about the gold confiscation foisted on the American people by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933. Most of these have been offered as justification for FDR’s nefarious deed, and over time have endured to become urban legends. For example, perhaps the biggest and most enduringRead more
It has been said that book reviews are supposed to include something critical. Nevertheless, I have nothing negative to say about “Currency Wars”. It is a great book, and you will not be disappointed with it. But I do have one important thought to keep in mind as you read it.
In the twelve months ending August 31st, gold has risen 46.5%, but the XAU Index of precious metal mining stocks climbed only 17.7%. By itself, that is a good rate of return for mining stocks, but not what one would expect given gold’s appreciation over this period.
May 30, 2011 – Bull markets do not move in a straight line, nor do the price of gold and silver. Their price advances, and then retreats to ‘correct’ the previous advance. For the past four weeks, gold and silver have been going through one of these periodic price corrections. During these corrections, underlying supportRead more
February 12, 2011 – In precious metal bull markets, silver outperforms. Its price climbs at a faster rate than gold’s price. The reverse happens in bear markets. Silver’s price drops at a faster rate than gold’s price. The following chart of the gold/silver ratio illustrates this phenomenon. At the peak of the last precious metalRead more
December 4, 2010 – The scramble for physical gold and silver is intensifying. People increasingly want to own the real thing, and not some paper substitute, all of which come with counterparty risk. This conclusion is apparent from the following two charts of gold and silver forwards, which are based on data made available byRead more
December 1, 2010 – Both gold and silver demonstrated some spectacular performance yesterday, climbing 1.4% and 3.8% respectively from the previous day’s closing price. November is the eighth month that gold has risen this year to generate its 26.5% year-to-date appreciation. Silver has also risen eight months this year, and so far is up aRead more
In January 1934, the dollar was devalued against gold by 69% when
If I were advising President Trump, here are the recommendations – with